

Sunstone - Stone of Bright Sunny Thoughts

Crystal Earth is currently not trading online

Price: $4.00
Sunstone is a cousin to Moonstone. Whilst moonstone reflects light like the moon, Sunstone creates light like the sun. It brings in light - & energy to lift the spirits & give you more happiness in your life. For this reason it is a good antidepressant - & is able to knock down negative 
thoughts & replace them with positive. Being orange & connected with the spleen it is able to release old patterns of hate & vengefulness.
Helps you be more joyful & playful. It increases vitality & brings warmth (good for dark winter moods). Its reflective properties will help you to reflect back overbearing people, parents or partners. It allows you to say  “NO”, & to stop making sacrifices for others. It helps self
empowerment, self worth, confidence, independence & originality. It helps you to take responsibility for your health & body - in particular spleen, sore throats & sexual problems. It allows energy to flow freely & so can make things happen.
Traditionally a stone for good luck, fortune & abundance. Sunstone brings the power of the sun to help you feel lively & invigorated so that you sparkle in life.
Chakra - Sacral  (Orange with sparkle)