
  Categories » Crystals » List by healing group » Strength, energy & recovery


White quartz point (N.S.W)
Strong white quartz point from Kingsgate region in N.S.W. Less common speciman as Kingsgate is more renowned for its smokey quartz.
Reading :Energizer point can help with healing work to energize the practitioner. A holder of much information. Strong feminine knowledge.
Selenite roses (U.S.A)
Is able to give you strength good for bones & growth. Good for children after a break to help heal properly.
Brown calcite cluster
Mind stimulation, helps you to keep going with a task, keep moving & keeps energy up.
Warmth, bright & sunny
Good gift of love
Protection, motivating & creative
Calming & soothing
Memory & intellect
Helps decision making
Connects you to nature
Black Tourmaline - The Protector
Protection from negative people, spirits or situations
Calms excessive emotions
Good in crisis or trauma
Good when moving or travelling
Debilitating or chronic disease
Sexual guilt/problems
Realigns physical body
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