

Sodalite -The medic Stone

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Price: $3.00
Sodalite has healing abilities on all levels. The blue helps calm fear & anxieties - helps depression by bringing back joy & relieving a heavy heart. Place at head of bed & wake up transformed in the morning. Helps calm over active minds & helps rational thought. Will help pangs of conscience or guilt feelings. Sodalite will helps communication & speaking your feelings.
It will help with self expression, personality, self belief & courage. It is an excellent mediator & peace bringer. Spiritually it aids inspiration & ideas, meditation & understanding excellent also for research, study & group work. Physically it’s like a medic stone, helps fine tissue, eyes, 
eases strains, helps thyroid; lymph & nervous system. Good after surgery. Said to cure malignant diseases & provides healing from toxins & radioactive treatments & materials. Can help with allergies, lowering blood pressure & fever & protection from electromagnetic pollution. Also heals sick animals & house plants.
Chakras: Throat       (deep blue with white vein)