
  Categories » Crystals » List by healing group » Self confidence, character & courage


Andalusite - The Facade Lifter
Helps strength of character
Lifts the mask you hide behind
Helps you admit to problems
Helps maturity & responsibility
Helps with strength & facing reality
Protective & brings luck
Reduces fever, good for immunity
Olivine - The emotional pain killer
Clears emotional pain
Self love & confidence
Purity of thought
Not blaming others
Helps relationships
Protective & good luck
Healing physical pain
Strong protection, can help to balance emotions. Can help to create a sense of
stability & belief in oneself.
Is good for anything to do with bones to help mend breaks & support the healing process. Can help on levels when looking to connect with deep earth energies
Strong protection, can help to balance emotions. Can help to create a sense of
stability & belief in oneself.
Is good for anything to do with bones to help mend breaks & support the healing process. Can help on levels when looking to connect with deep earth energies
Selenite yellow
Able to clear unwanted
upsets & steady us. Vibration
is calming & soothing. Able
to clear negative blocks.
Builds strength of character.
Green gypsum cluster. (South Aust)
This beautiful speciman is from a collection & is quite rare & very delicate.
Reading: Creativity. Helps you carry
through your plans.
Helps self confidence.
Pyrite cube (Spain)
Can deflect negative energies
& help you to have trust
in yourself. Can promote
mental clarity with
business dealings.
These specimans of epidote come from hartz ranges region of Northern Territory
Reading :Takes away prickly feelings
of rejection & resentment.
Can allow you to see more
clearly & feel more confident.
Can eliminate wasted emotion
to allow positive feelings to
come through.
Cloyna agate (Cloyna Qld)
Nice red agate unique to cloyna region Qld.
Reading: Helps to bring out personality
& be yourself. Can help you
to feel more confident &
able to communicate
with others.
White agate (Tasmania)
Another unusual stone from Tas, Nicelly polished smooth speciman, hard to find these specimans.
Reading :Will help with strength of
character. Will help you to
establish boundaries with
people. Can help you to
relax & focus.
Calcite cluster (Qld)
Beautiful soft cluster with sparkle, glows under ultravoilet light.
Reading :Warm stone can help you to feel open in
expressing yourself. Helps to raise issues within yourself that have been burried but need to be faced for your future growth.
Purperite (Namibia)
Can achieve a greater sense of pride in yourself & your beliefs can help you to feel strong with your spiritual gifts, a magical stone.
Jade (Canada)
Strong stone of courage & power, gives you faith in yourself. Helps you to feel more confident.
Australian desert gypsum
This rare and unusual speciman comes from the desert regions of central Australia. Has amazing natural markings similar to the wind created formations on sand dunes. Great texture.
Reading :Helps you to complete tasks helps to keep your focus. To believe in yourself & your strengths.
Clear calcite

Reading: Fear & protection, this stone will offer you the confidence in yourself to know that you can achieve things.
Crazy lace agate (W.A)
Decent sized example of Australian lace agate from W.A. Hard to get this.
Reading :This stone helps you to develop your full potential. Helps you to express
yourself. Can help you when you need some direction. Helps to restore balance
Amazonite - Stone of the forests
Breathing and asthma
Chest & respiratory
Conservation of environment
Clears negativity
Accepting change for good
Self expression & confidence
Chrysoprase - The Courage Stone
Courage to be yourself
Accepting ourselves
Communicating feelings
Protects against emotional attack
Empowers us to be courageous
Depression & sexual imbalance