
  Categories » Crystals » List by healing group » Protection, security


Celadonite phantom
Stone for nature magic. Grounded to earth can help you to feel secure while doing magic, can help you to ground & open yourself up. Can help you to keep focus.
Creates harmony, comes from places of turmoil. Peaceful stone full of wisdom. Can help when you need protection when you need to protect your feelings & emotions.
Can help with communication, will help you to over come obstacles, helps you to express yourself more easily. Will also help with concentration & holding information
Indian ruby
Will help you with protection. Helps to keep jealous people at bay. Will help to deflect negativity. Helps passion for life.
Clear calcite

Reading: Fear & protection, this stone will offer you the confidence in yourself to know that you can achieve things.
Base Chakra, good grounding stone. Also helps to connect to the universe. Helps you to connect while still keeping your feet on the ground.
Tin crystals (cassiterite)(N.S.W)
Nice sharp shine to these small but powerful tin crystal specimans from the Tigha region of northern N.S.W.
Reading :Heavy grounding stone good for when you have to be on guard & protected. Helps you to slow down & be aware of what’s around you
Warmth, bright & sunny
Good gift of love
Protection, motivating & creative
Calming & soothing
Memory & intellect
Helps decision making
Connects you to nature
Black Tourmaline - The Protector
Protection from negative people, spirits or situations
Calms excessive emotions
Good in crisis or trauma
Good when moving or travelling
Debilitating or chronic disease
Sexual guilt/problems
Realigns physical body
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