

Honey Calcite - Stone of Self Forgiveness

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Price: $3.00
This stone is nurturing & forgiving like the hug of a favorite grandmother - can make you feel at peace with yourself. Smoothes over self blame & hate - opens one up to love yourself. Helps you forgive yourself for past issues. Gives optimism & confidence - use in moments of dejection & despair, helps in looking after yourself. Lets you trust yourself more in overcoming setbacks.

Helps the mental plane too, expands consciousness like an initiation, helps softens edges of intellect good for students or children having trouble at school - gives strength to accept new beliefs & ideas. Physically eases pain esp. those connected to calcium. Helps bones, skeleton & spine, encourages calcium growth in bones & also dissolves calcifications

 Chakras : Sacral & solar plexus (Brown honey coloured quartz like)