

Clear Quartz - The Master Healer

Crystal Earth is currently not trading online

Price: $4.00

Energy from quartz vibrates on the same level as the human body. Clear quartz is a magnifier, amplifier & focuser. It is able to clear thought & emotion. A very pure form of healing. It gives positive energies into ones thoughts & emotions, can clarify knowledge & conquer fear. It can be used for any purpose imaginable - just ask it. It will help in any situation where focus is needed. It will unlock memory, clear blockages & get rid of negativity leaving clarity balance & focus.

It will enable you to see the future & past events (scrying) - It will help with higher awareness. Concentration & meditation. It builds strength in people, plants & animals, helps fatigue. It can cleanse other crystals & also increase there power when placed near. It balances the Chakras. It is an excellent purifier - place in water jug to gain benefit - Amplifies feelings - beware when low - may be difficult at first but brings out problems to face. Charkas(s) - All
