

Clear Calcite - The clear thinking stone

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Price: $30.00
Clear Calcite fundamentally helps with clear thought & clear thinking. It will lift you out of the doldrums into a clear reality & able to face problems. It is uplifting & will clear away old blocks, stagnation, pain & 
sorrow ready for change - espicially if it has rainbow inclusions. It is a soft stone & this will provide you with patience to digest your problems at a slower pace so as not to repeat them & to help you cope with change. 
Being a stone of the third eye this will help you to see a clearer future & help with meditation on a deeper level it may also help with any parallel or past  lives that are to obtrusive in your present life.
Physically it is good for eyes, clearing & activating the chakras, detoxifier & crystal antiseptic. Makes an excellent gem essence. Finally it will help with material gain. 
Chakras: Third Eye     (Clear rectangular prism)